Europa Universalis: The Price of Power

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Europa Universalis: The Price of Power - obrázek

Hru mám Hru chci
Počet hráčů: 1–4
Doporučený věk: od 14 let
Herní doba: 300 min
Herní svět: Středověk, Období kolonizace, Renesance
Herní kategorie: strategická, válečná, ekonomická
Čeština: není
Vydavatelé: Aegir Games
Ediciones MasQueOca
NAC Wargames
Autoři: Eivind Vetlesen
Rok vydání: 2023
Sdílej: Facebook

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Obaly na karty

Jaké obaly Vám na karty sedí? Co můžete doporučit za obaly? Karty mají milimetr navíc než je American Standard a Mini. Vejdou se Vám v obalech nazpět do organizeru?

4.2.2023 13:15:01

Tohle k tomu psal na discordu autorů člověk, který jim pomáhá s prezentací na conech ohledně doporučeného typu obalů a uspořádání v krabici:

The guys recommended using Board Game Sleeves by Arcane Tinman. The neat thing is that they come in a box. I was with them at Essen where I got to prepare the games with them. We got a copy sleeved with those sleeves. At the bottom of the game's box you can leave all Events and Setup cards, perfectly separated into: -1 pile for Setup cards plus the Events for Ulm and Byzantium. -8 piles, 2 per each Age, with one being all the Realm Specific Events, and the second one being the A and B Events That takes the 9 wells at the bottom for bridge cards. All other bridge cards go into 4 of those boxes at the top of the box, using the space that the foam was occupying when you received the game, each with one deck: Trade, Military Cards, Administrative Cards and Diplomatic Cards. With the Mini Cards, you only need 3 boxes, which I used 2 for the Missions of all major realms, and another one for the Ideas and Power Struggles. Having it organized like that also helps with setup immensely. The game does hold all the cards with sleeves, no worries.

Jen doplním, že podle fotky jsou to od toho výrobce obaly ve velikosti medium (zelená krabička) a mini (žlutá krabička).

5.2.2023 20:28:39

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